Spring Life

We always welcome Spring in Indiana.  Part of what makes spring so glorious in the Midwest is the contrast from the bitter winter. Here the Magnolias trees are giving their encore, the grass is the deepest of green, the pear trees are beginning to bloom, and a few wild flowers are starting to pop.


This week we’re on Spring Break, and although we crave the beach, sand, sunshine, and consistently warm temps, we’re content to enjoy how life is returning once again right here.


Yesterday we rejoiced in celebrating our Risen Savior for Easter together as a family. Later on, we were able to throw on some shorts (an accomplishment in March in Indiana) and enjoy a family hike.


I love being outdoors with these dudes. It’s always entertaining to see what treasures {trash} they find, who ends up getting wet, and who outlasts everyone.


The day ended with the first catch of the year, before the storms rolled in.


I’m thankful more than ever for LIFE this spring – For the life He sacrificed for us, for the life returning all around us, for the life He’s entrusted us with, and for the new life that we’ll meet in the next season!


One thought on "Spring Life"

  1. Crystal says:

    Man, I don’t even wear shorts in the summer in England! Lucky you!

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