34 Week Bumpdate

Well Hiya!!!! Yep, still {very} pregnant. I didn’t intend to be this quiet through this last trimester – life just got busy with end of school, getting the house ready for the little dude, an unexpected family opportunity (more on that SOON), and trying to get my digestive system to consent to this pregnancy.

Thankfully, I’m going on 8 days of feeling well and enjoying these beginning days of summer with the boys home. We have very little on the calendar for June, so I’m looking forward to just hanging out with them and having some quality family time before things get “interesting”.


All is on track for 34 weeks today! UNREAL! I’m officially 2 weeks more pregnant than I’ve ever been. Baby Boy is measuring on the grand side, and physically I’m doing well. I’ll have a growth scan again next week, but he is probably well over 5lbs now! He is SUPER active.  I keep reading about how typically at this gestation they start running out of room, and thus movement frequency decreases, but not this one! I think the boys made it nice and roomy for him to still flip, roll, and trampoline in there! I will be shocked if he comes out a chilled baby!


This week, I have very little complaints minus the strains and pains of being 34 weeks pregnant. Bending over, getting up off the floor, climbing stairs, etc. are much more challenging than a few weeks ago. I’m still trying to get frequent short walks in for exercise.

I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing consistent or worrisome. No real swelling, high blood pressure, or anything else that’s concerning at this time! Praise! 


So many highlights since my 29 Week Bumpdate!


My church shower was such a beautiful celebration – so many sweet gifts and love shared through food, conversation, and being together. It’s just a surreal yet incredible thing to celebrate this LIFE. So grateful for friends who gave of their time and talents to love on us!


The nursery is ready to go! I’m in LOVE with his room, and will show you more in an upcoming post! (I’m actually writing this from his room in the new comfy Poang rocker we got from IKEA. LOVE IT!)

It feels so great to have clothes sorted, diapers ready, drawers loaded, the crib up, and his room ready for his arrival! We’re finding out that even getting ready for ONE baby takes a lot of preparation and stuff!


Nothing exciting, strange, or amusing to report in this category. My appetite is fairly normal and the only thing that I’m crazy about is fruit, but that’s nothing too out of the ordinary for summer.

Looking Forward To: 

I think this one is pretty obvious…

holding him

studying all his features

watching the boys hold him for the first time 

bringing him home

seeing Brad’s reaction when he meets him

getting my lung capacity back

figuring out what life will be like as a family of SEVEN!!!

The Boys: 

The boys continue to be excited and super helpful to me during this stage. They were able to come to my ultrasound last week for the first time and “Facetime” with their little bro. It was so fun to take them back to see our doc and several of the staff who cared for them during my pregnancy 9 years ago!


They also did a fabulous “Stroller Wash” with the Chicco strollers we got scored at a sale a couple months back. Good as new! 


So thankful for their eagerness and anticipation! 


Still holding out, and pretty firm on his first AND middle name now!

Looking forward to blogging more about our preparations and revealing more, so check back soon for a Nursery Reveal, Some of My Favorite Baby Things, Our Secret Project, and more! 

10 thoughts on "34 Week Bumpdate"

  1. Elyse H says:

    What a great update! You are glowing, Jen, and I can’t wait to see the new baby! 🙂

    1. Crazy that it’s getting this CLOSE! Thank you, Friend!

  2. Covington Grandma says:

    Getting more excited and looking forward to a baby in our family.

    1. Getting more excited to see him in your arms!

    1. Ummmmmm…that would be YOU!

  3. Crystal says:

    So exciting! Great times ahead for you all.

    1. Same for you! Praying for your fam often! So thankful we can keep in touch!

  4. Debbie blevins says:

    So happy for you. Lucky baby!!

    1. We feel so full of gratitude for this life!

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