Scenes From Our Young Living Shoot

No more torture or teasing, although it’s super entertaining. I’ll let you in on what we were up to last week. A couple of months back, a contact from Young Living’s media team asked if our family would be interested in helping promote one of their product lines.

Of course, it was a no-brainer. Our family has benefited greatly from switching and ditching many of the toxins in our home for safe, natural, and much more family-friendly options that we’ve found through Young Living. Daily we use oils from our essential oil collection, oral care products, their skin care line, and many of their home offerings. It’s truly been a lifestyle change.

We had no idea our cooperation would turn into a crew flying out to our home and filming for 2 very full days! 


Everyone wants to be interviewed, filmed, and photographed at 33 weeks pregnant, right?

Actually, it WAS nice to have my hair and make-up done by my fabulous girl Kelley, for two days. I could have gotten used to that pampering!


It was a great experience for ALL of  our family. Who knew that our lives would have so many unique memory-making opportunities?!!! 


Shoots are hard work! Editing and talented crew members make it look like a breeze, but it takes a TON of time setting up shots, getting equipment set up, interviewing, redoing takes, and all of the details that take fine precision.


Of course there’s some down time too, which was good for all of us to recoup, for me to put my feet up, foosball competitions, and time for the boys to run off wiggles.


Thankfully Indiana weather cooperated and we were able to get some outdoor shoots completed on the second day of filming. Now we can say that we’ve survived a “drive-by shooting”.


I can hardly wait to see some of the footage and watch the boys personalities on-camera.


We were right at home with our filming crew. They were so kind to us, patient with the boys, always checking on how I was feeling, and super laid back. I loved that they chose to hang out with us even during some of their down time, and spent time getting to know us. We couldn’t have asked for a more understanding and professional crew!


Our final night of filming was at one of our favorite local spots, Eagle Creek.


The weather was so pleasant and the boys hardly knew they were “working” as they played on the playground and threw rocks in the water with the sun setting in the background.


It was the perfect ending to an all-around enjoyable family experience. Henry said the next morning that we should have done a terrible job so they would have had to come back for another day!


We’ll be super excited to share more about the product line being promoted and hopefully footage from the shoot sometime after it’s released at Young Living’s International Convention at the end of the month. We {unexpectedly since we’re expecting} couldn’t travel to convention this year, but at least we’ll be there in video form! 

2 thoughts on "Scenes From Our Young Living Shoot"

  1. Melissa Akers says:

    What a wonderful opportunity for your family! Congrats for being chosen and congrats on the new coming addition to your family! Looks like you need a girl to even out those numbers. Lol. What a blessing!

    1. Thank you sooooo much! It’s a BOY, which is what we know and love! So excited!

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