Hudson Bradley’s Birth Story: Part 2

As I said in Part 1 of Hudson’s Birth Story, it still feels a bit surreal to write this story even though we are starting the 4th week of Hudson’s little life. This week was supposed to be his due date, but God had other plans…

So the middle of the night drive to St.Vincent Women’s was very uncomfortable. I felt like I was constantly contracting and couldn’t feel when they ended or started, which made me think the contractions weren’t “real” and I was just experiencing a very irritable uterus.


They sent me straight to triage and began some of the check-in process bedside. I was hooked up to the monitors as they tried to track my super active little guy. The resident came in to access me, and gave us the news that I was “already in active labor”. I was shocked because my pain level was not high, and I just didn’t expect going into spontaneous labor after making it 32 weeks (and measuring into the 50’s) with our quad pregnancy. However, as we looked at the monitor my contractions were in a very predictable pattern, sometimes as frequent as every 2 1/2 minutes!

They began IV fluids to try hydration as a means to try to slow the contractions and put off delivery. At around 5am my on-call doctor (My doctor happened to be on vacation out of the country) moved me to a labor and delivery room so that I could try and get some rest and hold me off until at least later that morning when there would be all hands on deck staff-wise.

Things seemed to calm down significantly once I was in my room. Have you ever tried to REST on a gurney? Impossible!  We had more space, quiet, and comfort. Brad was able to doze off for an hour or so, and my discomfort improved. By 6:30am my contractions had slowed to every 5 minutes, decreased in intensity, and there was even talk of going home.

At 8:45am two of the doctors on staff as well as 2 residents came in the door. I was expecting an either “let’s watch you until this afternoon” or “go home, take it easy, and come back if anything changes” message. Instead, Dr. Bivens, simply came in and said “9:30”. It took us both a few moments to realize he meant a c-section at 9:30 – in less than 45 minutes! He didn’t want to risk my uterus rupturing due to my transabdominal cerclage, and he felt strongly that my contractions were not going away. (He was right, they started right back in and increased intensity immediately after he made his rounds.)

Everything went into fast forward mode of surgery prep and calling/texting family (who had no idea we were even in the hospital). We really had no time to process it at all. There was no alone time between Brad and I to talk or emotionally prepare. (I’m sure many of you have felt similarly with an emergent c-section situation.)

I remember telling Brad that I just didn’t want to do it (have the surgery). I was dreading the anticipation of the preparation, the surgery itself, and the recovery to follow. I was scared about going early, even though we should have been in the clear at 36 weeks.

I remember walking down the OR hallway in our blue surgery attire, and stopping to pray with our God-send of a nurse before I went in to be prepped. Sadly, I don’t remember one word of Brad’s prayer, but I remember holding his hand, hugging and kissing him goodbye, and feeling peace that God was with us. I knew we were in incredible hands, and I resided to trusting God’s timing.

All of the doctors and nurses in my delivery room were phenomenal.  Everyone was in great spirits and full of encouragement. Brad was escorted in just as they started. I was so extremely thankful to be able to have him in the room with me.

Although Hudson had been head down at our last appointment, he had moved all over the place since then, and they had a little bit of difficulty getting him out. He was (and is) SUCH a mover! It was so good to hear his cry and know he was outside me.


Brad went over to check him out and was able to hold him next to me. I could not contain my emotions.

Instant love. Relief. Joy. Healing. Intense Thankfulness.


I got to look at him and take him in, unlike the boys’ delivery where they were rushed off to a resuscitation room. It was over 48 hours before I was able to meet them, due to my own health being so critical. So needless to say, I couldn’t have been happier to have him in the room with me, as they completed my surgery, and continued to look him over.

And when they had me all put back together, there was this moment.


All 6 lbs and 15 ounces of him in my arms, where I wanted him to stay forever, but where he would be taken from shortly…

3 thoughts on "Hudson Bradley’s Birth Story: Part 2"

  1. Covington Grandma says:

    This day will not be be forgotten by me! I had looked forward to Hudson’s Birth with all intentions of being there before Jen went to surgery to pray with her as we had before the quads were born and then to see him right after birth. When we got word that he would be born before we could get there, I was crushed! I am not normally a person who cries easily but this hit me like a tornado! I had trouble getting under control. End of story is that we left as soon as we could, and I was able to see Jen & Brad soon after his birth. As far as seeing Hudson, that had to wait a while, which you will understand when you read Jen’s part 3 of her story.

  2. Helicopter Grandma says:

    I remember getting the call from Brad. I was ready to head out the door to work. I told Grandpa we had to go. My plans had been to be with the boys and take them to the hospital before the birth. I wasn’t even going to get to the hospital before the birth. Brad already had the boys in the care of a great friend. So we headed to Indy. grandpa driving and I was making calls to work to take care of not being at work. Wow I was so excited to meet this new Grandson. The next part of the story is Jen’s to tell.

  3. Belle says:

    Please don’t wait so long to tell us the rest! He’s so precious, and I’ve followed your story since the boys were born. So thankful for this wonderful gift!

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