New Year. New Look.


Well HELLLLLLOOOOO, Friends! We are long overdo for a game of catch up, so warm up a drink and sit with me for a bit.

Sooooo how do you like the place? 4tunate was in serious need of a freshening up, and what better time than a new year? All the props to my uber talented hubs and the magic he does with his WhirlSites web design business. What can I say? His skills pay the bills. Literally. Which is why 4tunate went on the back burner for a while, since I don’t pay him as well as his “real” clients. I pay him with warm meals, winks across the room, and clean socks. You know, the important things.

It’s still a bit of a work in progress, so there will be a few changes as we go, but I’m loving the new look and I think you’ll discover it easy to find your way around this space. If you find things that could make it function even better let us know. I’ve been blogging for TEN YEARS now, which is pretty much older than the internet, so it was a TON of content to transfer.


I know I say this every dag-on year, but I LOVE fresh starts and a new year. I love the reflecting on the past year and making tweaks and sometimes big changes to make things better for this year.  It’s like one deep fresh breath that lasts all January long!

And it helps with a fresh hair cut too, right? {Been putting that off for nearly a YEAR!} #MomLife


Speaking of Mom Life, we have settled in so well to being a family of SEVEN. {Although that still sounds like a BIG number that doesn’t seem real.} Hudson is a people-loving, smiley, champ sleeper, joy-giving, dream of a baby. I know, it’s just ONE baby, and that has him set up to be a breeze, but he really has spoiled us all. . I’ll dedicate a post this week to catching you up on all his stats and fun things he’s up to at six months old.


The boys are CRAZY good big brothers, and love being his constant source of entertainment. They’ve adjusted really well, and are such fun people to do life with. We are approaching a BIG milestone birthday of TEN next month, which is mind-blowing!


Brad and I just celebrated 14 years of marriage. What a RIDE it has been! It’s been a good growing year for our marriage. I love how God continues to teach us so much through our roles. My prayer for this year is that our marriage and home would reflect the gospel.


I’m sooooooo looking forward to writing more, connecting better, and sharing my heart in this space again now that we’ve freshened the place up!

*** Take a quick minute in the comments to say hello again and tell me something fun that you’re doing this new year. ***

20 thoughts on "New Year. New Look."

  1. Brad Murray says:

    So glad to finally get this updated for you! Hope to keep making this space better!

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Could not have happened without you, Babes!

  2. amanda says:

    the blog is beautiful! it is a perfect reflection of you~ calming, chic and joy-filled!

    ps. love the haircut

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Well those adjectives are on the right track and encouraging words! Love you, Friend!

  3. Debbie Ringer says:

    I am also having a hard time believing they are going to be ten. Not sure if you remember my daughter and I started following you while she too was an bed rest in the hospital with triplets. So my grandkids will also be ten. My son had a baby girl 3 weeks before the triplets were born so we also celebrate four birthdays together. My husband and I start a tradition of taking our grandchildren on a special trip with just us on their tenth birthday. So our big fun thing this year will be taking all four on a cruise in April. We gave them a choice of going individually but no they wanted to go all together. Since there in only one boy we will make a point to do somethings he will enjoy. I feel like he gets forgotten when they are all together. Tell you boys Happy 10th Full Hands Birthday (we call this the full hands birthday since it is the last time they can show us their age with their fingers).

    1. Jen Murray says:

      So fun to hear from you again, Debbie! So glad to hear your grandkids are doing well! What an amazing time you are in for – so many lasting memories to be made!

  4. Katherine Roland says:

    Hi Jen, Brad, and the Murrays,

    It is hard to believe that the boys will be TEN in February! I remember that I was just leaving to move to Georgia from Indiana when you announced that you were pregnant with triplets and then quadruplets! Also, congratulations on celebrating 14 years of marriage! I remember when you both were engaged and when you got married. By the way, I still use speech material that you help me create and still share stories of my time with you in Indiana to the people of Georgia! My husband and I are hoping to plan and go on our honeymoon to Florida this summer. We couldn’t afford to take our official honeymoon after the wedding last summer. Blessings to you and your beautiful family in 2017!

    1. Jen Murray says:

      So fun to hear from you, Katherine! I think of you often! Congratulations on your wedding and I hope you have an incredible honeymoon this summer! Stay in touch!

  5. Crystal says:

    I love your Tula print! So cute.

    1. Jen Murray says:

      love it too! Thanks, Friend!

  6. Kathy Murray says:

    Love all 7 of you so much. The word fortunate just begins to identify my life with my 2 kids their spouses, all grandkids and pups. Life is really something I am looking forward to.. thanks to all of you for helping to make my fortunate life a great ride.

    1. Jen Murray says:

      You are very loved!

  7. Marla says:

    …..looking forward to hearing and sharing life with you!
    This year…by God’s Grace:
    Right now….waiting on the call for the arrival of grandchild #7…..granddaughter #6! Then headed to ID! A year of travel….guests….but most importantly learning to love the Lord wholly and rest in HIM!
    Love you

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Is Indiana on the list for travels? I need a Marla hug and so does Hudson!

  8. Terri Harlan says:

    Love catching up on your wonderful family…I’m starting my year by getting a puppy! A Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Skadi…

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Off to google how cute your puppy must be! Thanks for checking in, Terri!

  9. robbin miles says:

    Have wondered where you were, followed you since the boys were babies, just enjoy watching the families grow and always wonder what happened when people seem to fade off into the sunset, glad you are back and all is well and happy. The boys have such mature looks, so grown up! And the new little guy is just adorable!!! God bless your family!

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Thanks Robbin! Sorry to disappear on you – just had to get the hang of motherhood with quads + 1 and blogging had to take a back seat during the adjustment! So glad you’re still here! Appreciate you and your encouragement!

  10. Adele Parker says:

    I love your new site. Looks great! Glad that all is well and happy with your family of 7. 🙂 I started the new year by signing up for a 10k…I’ve never done that before so I have a lot of work ahead. Looking forward to it!

    1. Jen Murray says:

      Adele, that is AWESOME! I still need to conquer a 5K! Thanks for the encouragement!

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