A Decade with Quadruplets


Today we celebrate TEN YEARS of life. Life that was unexpected. Life that was not likely to survive. Life more than we could have asked or imagined. Life that has blessed us, grown us, challenged us, and deepened our meaning of love.

Parenting four at once has been no small task, but the joys have far out weighed the difficulties. God’s kindness and grace has been written all over this journey. Our hearts are grateful for a decade of raising these boys.


Henry Samuel, you continue to be confident, curious, and and true encouragement to others. The sparkle in your eyes and those freckles are going to take you far in life. You are a natural leader, and I look forward to seeing how God uses you.


Brooks Layton, you are creative, kind-hearted, and original. I have loved watching you mature this year. I’m excited to see how God uses your strengths as you continue to grow.


Clark Thomas, you are strong, hilarious, and hungry. That smile and laugh of yours is one of my favorite things in life. I’m hopeful that you’ll bring joy to so many that God brings into your life.


Isaac Edward, you are competitive, tender-hearted, and consistent. I love how you are a force that encourages our family. You’ll always be my baby (even though technically Hudson took your pecking order). I know God has great plans for your life.


Most of all, Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac we are so grateful that God chose us to be your parents. At times, we’ve thought He gave us more than we could manage, but He’s been faithful through each and every stage. Through all that you’ve shared these past 10 years, the bad (NICU scares, sleepless nights, IKEA potties, stomach bugs, and sibling fights) and the good (first smiles, stroller rides in The Beast, learning to buckle your own car seats, vacations, school accomplishments, and too many more to list), our love for you continues to grow each year.

3 thoughts on "A Decade with Quadruplets"

  1. Teresa Cunningham says:

    Happy 10th Birthday to your four fine fellows, Henry, Brooks, Clark and Isaac. Love their sparkling eyes, great smiles and for Jesus!

  2. Kathy says:

    Cant believe they are 10. I have been a follower since they were born. They are all very handsome young men!! Happy birthday

  3. Crystal says:

    I love how Isaac totally reminds me of Squints from The Sandlot. 😉 Happy birthday boys!

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