Time Over Trinkets

Every year it seems we are just winding down from Christmas when it’s time to think about the boys’ birthday. They turned 10 on February 2nd, which is a HUGE milestone! We try to make birthdays special since they all four share the day and it’s such a significant, meaningful day to us. It’s a day we wanted thank God for working in BIG ways in their lives to take them from preemies to double digits. Typically, it’s a day I relive the hard days of pregnancy and the uncertain weeks of the NICU.

Collecting Memories Over Things

It seems like when you want to really celebrate something significant there’s no tangible gift that makes the cut. Happy 10th Birthday, Quadruplet Miracle Sons – here’s a trinket to add to your collection of STUFF, just didn’t seem like the right fit.

Our boys {thankfully} aren’t really “stuff” kids. Now, don’t paint them perfect, they struggle with discontentment and want, but it’s not usually with things found on the toy aisle at Target.  (It’s more of the outlandish desires like they’d love to own their own football team or travel to Australia or rent out an entire theme park… #Dreamers)

This sometimes makes it tough to come up with gift suggestions for family members or even for us when we want them to have something to open. However, it’s allowed for several opportunities for experiences together over things. The last 2 years we’ve celebrated their birthday at Great Wolf Lodge indoor waterpark, and it’s been more memorable and meaningful than anything I could have picked out of an aisle at the store.

Experiences Don’t Have to Be Extravagant

 “Mom, you know I’d take doing something together as a family over any present, right?” – Brooks

There have been so many times that we’ve done much smaller things than an overnight. It hasn’t needed to be extravagant. Time away from the distractions of work and the constant hustle has created meaningful moments. We’ve done anything from a library date, to a Starbucks treat and talk, to going on a run or walk together. It’s amazing how simple errands and individual time builds them up.

Stories Over Stuff

Growing up, my parents didn’t gift me with a lot of things. Sometimes, I know this was hard for them when they compared what others families provided for their kids, but I wouldn’t change a thing. My parents were always available and willing to spend time with me, and that was a immeasurable gift I still cherish.

I hope looking back our boys have similar fondness when they leave the house. Someday I hope they have nights that they sit around a fire together going from one memory that leads to the next, and that their laughter and stories outlast the last crackling of the firewood. They may not have a lot of “trinkets” to show for their childhood, but I hope they have a childhood of vivid merry memories.

One thought on "Time Over Trinkets"

  1. Katherine Roland says:

    Happy belated birthday to the boys! That sounds like a lot of fun. :). I know that they will look back and treasure the memories of time with you. It is such a precious gift! Blessings to you and your beautiful family! 🙂

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