Ode to Feeding Table…

Forgive my sentimentalism as I reflect on our history with a large piece of furniture that has been part of our lives for the last 18 months…

I’ll never forget when a semi-truck backed up into our cal-de-sac and wondering, "Man, just how big IS this table, if it requires a semi delivery?!!!"


And then seeing little Brooks sitting in it for the first time in our garage, just after Brad finished its assembly….


   It was a LIFE SAVER for all those spoon feedings…


And perfect for eating 1st Birthday Monkey Cupcakes


It even served a purpose for NOT eating, like when Henry decided to build chicken and noodle forts instead..


It was sometimes used as a "holding tank" before baths…


AND to hold us down for our "Crewcuts"…(Isaac)


And most recently a decorating station for Valentine’s cookies…(Clark)


We’ll miss those 8 dangling legs, but we’re thankful for the memories!


From babies….


To little BOYS…


We’re thankful for the opportunity to pass on our table to the Thompson quads.  Although we hadn’t outgrown it completely, it has served it’s purpose and we are ready to eat together as a whole family.

Stay tuned to find out the next step for feeding 4 growing boys…

Here’s one last video as a final farewell…(Ignore my voice in the beginning of the video, talking on the phone about the feeding table! Told ya I was sentimental about the whole deal!)

16 thoughts on "Ode to Feeding Table…"

  1. Lani says:

    I don’t know why, but I just teared up a little seeing how big they’ve gotten! And the picture of the little dangling legs is adorable!!!

  2. Ethel says:

    Sounds like your boys are saying "Good Job"
    I'm sure the babies will be thrilled to get their table. GOOD JOB, Moma & DADDY

  3. I just got a little misty eyed reading that!! It’s crazy to look back and see how much they have grown.. get’s my heart beating a little faster. I just love those boys so dern much!!

    Love you mama!

  4. Jenny B says:

    I love the pics jen. So sweet and bittersweet to see how they grown up–so fast! Bring on the Big table!!:)
    love ya

  5. Time goes by way too fast! Seriously! The boys look like little gentlemen compared to little boys :,) Love ya bunches girl!

  6. Patty Wood says:

    I started reading, Jen, when the babies were just beginning sitting at the table so to see them growing up at the table made me tear up. I am glad I wasn’t alone. They are such wonderful little boys.

  7. i just love that table and am sad to see it go. you had such great posts with them sitting in that table… but can not wait to see what it to come!

  8. Lindsay says:

    Such fun memories that you had at that table! What a great way to pay it forward to share your memories with others 🙂

  9. Memories, they can mean so much, can they?
    Now shall the boys have a common big boys’ table or everyone no his own? Or share your adult table maybe?

  10. Suzanne says:

    (sniff, sniff)…what a HUGE milestone, murr! i completely understand the sadness. the feeding table has been our number one item that has helped the MOST with the quads for us–and i’m sure you feel the same way! what big, grown up boys! and such a blessing for suzie and her quaddies!!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Awww, the boys are just soooo cute! But, they are growing up way too fast! This is just one of many more future sentimental days. Enjoy the memories!

    Annapolis, MD

  12. Suzy says:

    Thanks for doing such a great job cleaning the table for us, Isaac, Clark, Brooks, and Henry! We can’t wait to use it (our mommy and daddy just need to figure out where the grown-up furniture will go in the meantime!).

    Hugs and kisses from the Thompson quads!

  13. Andrea says:

    Thanks for continuing to share about your lives.

    Can you explain how the various Quad mamas move about the specialty items you need and use. I have read on anotehr blog about a stroller moving on to a new family and now your table going on to another set of Quads. Did you ship the table to the new Quad family? How do you arrange this. I think many readers would love to learn more about those specialy items. Are those sold to one another? Did you contact them? How do you connect, etc.?

    Thanks for any information you would be willing to share with your faithful followers.

  14. Kelly says:

    I am choked up about your table. I remember the post when it was delivered. Awwww.

  15. wow! amazing the milestones that has seen with you!

    So awesome that is going on to help another family with quads. As always – you’re so generous!

    Can’t wait to see what’s next!

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