5 Fall Tree Crafts for Kids

With all the beauty of the fall trees outside, it’s fun to bring some of the color inside for a few easy crafts with the kids!

1. Three Dimensional Fall Trees – These colorful fall trees from 1+1+1=1 are made from painted paper towel rolls and silk leaves from the dollar store.

fall tree 3 dimensional project fall crafts for kids

Source: 1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com via Jen (QuatroMama) on Pinterest

2. Fingerprint Fall Tree – This is a fabulous wedding display idea from Style Unveiled, but you could certainly adapt it for a family keepsake.

fingerprint tree fall tree crafts for kids


3. Marshmallow Stamped Apple Trees – We tried this craft shortly after visiting the apple orchard, and it was so much fun!  You free-style the tree shape, and then dip mini-marshmallows into paint and stamp for the apples.

marshmallow print apple trees painting craft

4. Handprint Fall Colored Tree – I was pleased with how this handprint tree turned out a couple of weeks ago.  Another great keepsake!

handprint fall tree for kids

5. Fall Button Branch – Isn’t this a sweet idea from Meet the Dubiens?  My mom used to have a button basket that all of us loved playing in…I’m thinking I need to start one of my own for fun crafts like this!

fall button tree crafts for kids


What’s your favorite fall craft for kids?  I’d love to hear your ideas!

9 thoughts on "5 Fall Tree Crafts for Kids"

  1. JENinMICH says:

    What great ideas! I wonder if on the first one, you could use outdoor colored leaves? We are going to try it.

  2. Pol says:

    I just love these craft ideas – gorgeous!

  3. How about this one!? (Thanks “Highlights” Magazine!) http://bartonbabyblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/few-girls.html

    (: Thanks for the fun ideas! We need to go buy some paint!

  4. Grady Pruitt says:

    Fantastic ideas! You always have such great craft ideas. I really like the hand print tree, though I bet that one’s a messy one to clean up — which means the kids will love doing it 😀

    The 3D trees look awesome too. An interesting way to reuse something! 😀

  5. I love the marshmallow stamping! I’m definitely going to try that with Libbie. She will ADORE it.

  6. slumdunk0506 says:

    Such a creative blog, Thanks for sharing. | 😛

  7. jlem1125 says:

    these are really amazing! I’m gonna make one with my son later! Thanks for the ideas!

  8. Pingback: Trees

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