To My 4 Kindergartners:

5 year old quadruplet boys playing outside

To My 4 Kindergartners:

We’ve had quite the 5 year old summer, Boys. It’s been my fondest so far. This summer you’ve…

spent warm afternoons at the pool

stomped in the creek

rode bikes around the block

camped in the beauty of God’s creation

screamed on your first roller coasters

watched fireworks

finished a race

caught every bug that resides in Indiana

hiked trails

played soccer/baseball/tennis/tag in the backyard

visited a big city

spent time getting to know love our neighbors all the more

had overnights at grandma and grandpa’s house

read a few books from our list

swung without help

splashed in puddles

rode a train/bus/water taxi/taxi

visited our beloved State Fair

wrestled with daddy

were glued to the Summer Olympics

cheered at a major league baseball game

welcomed home a couple of heroes

splashed in two Great Lakes

And these are just what made the highlight reel.  In 3 sleeps, you’ll spend your first day at Kindergarten.  And although it won’t be as hard as letting you go everyday, it’s still going to be a lump in my throat for how far you have come.  What amazing people you are becoming!

I think you are going to teach me as much as I attempt to teach you this year.  God has a way of showing me so much through your honesty, your questions, even your misbehaviors. I’m so thankful that you are so quick to forgive me, just as our Heavenly Father demonstrates each day.

You’ve been so blessed to live each day with brothers. The way that you are becoming so loyal to one another makes me melt into a puddle.  No one makes you laugh like your brothers.

I am so thankful for another summer spent with my favorite four little men and your incredible Daddy, and I’m looking forward to all that this new school year will bring.

Another adventure awaits us, Little Dudes!  Kindergarten won’t know what hit it!

With More Love Than You Can Imagine,

Your Mama

8 thoughts on "To My 4 Kindergartners:"

  1. Melissa D says:

    Isaac, Henry, Clark, Brooks?

  2. What a great look back and ahead! Our summer has flown by and we’re just days away from Kindergarten, too! So hard to believe! Good luck this year!

  3. Debbie says:

    Ah. I love this post

  4. Courtney says:


  5. mandi says:

    KINDERGARTEN!!! Oh my how adorable that first day picture will be:). Now for the good stuff … I want to know how QuatroMama plans to spend her new found time?!?! 😉

  6. Alyssa says:

    Are you homeschooling?

    1. QuatroMama says:

      A bit of both. They will go to a 1 day a week all day program, and then the remaining time we’ll homeschool at least for this year…

  7. It will be a great year! have fun

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