Must-Haves for Soccer Moms

land o'moms april post soccer mom must-haves

Thanks to y’all we survived our first soccer game…in the 40 windy degree weather. That’s love right, Mamas? 

It was fun(ny) and overall a positive start to the season, despite getting semi-stomped by the fierce offense of the Orange Tigers.  Seeing my boys rotate in at the same time one point in the game was a great mama moment.  They played well together and were so excited for each other’s successes.  {SCORE!!!!!}

I’ve recently been asked to join Land O’Frost on their site to help share tips on making mom’s lives easier.  I love when a brand actually offers practical resources for families – recipes, easy meal solutions, and a variety of topics that relate to parenting.

My first post is live today,  “Must-Haves for Soccer Moms”, which was inspired by many of your suggestions.  I hope you’ll check it and the Land O’Moms community!

2 thoughts on "Must-Haves for Soccer Moms"

  1. Crystal says:

    How do you get all these sweet blogging opportunities? Teach me thy wisdom! 🙂

    1. QuatroMama says:

      HA! They find me and I find them???

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