30 Cheap Date Ideas for Married Couples

30 cheap date ideas for married couples

So we’ve talked about the reasons to keep dating your spouse, and why we haven’t given up on pursuing our relationship…now for some CHEAP ideas to keep things fresh.

When Brad and I get the opportunity to enjoy some time out of the house or a night in while the boys are sleeping, we keep it simple and inexpensive. We’re on a budget, and we know that spending quality time together doesn’t have to be extravagant to be meaningful.  Even before we had kids, we found ways to “date” that didn’t break the bank.

Here’s some of our Go-To Cheap Date Ideas:

1. Go for a hike at a local state park.

2. Visit a free museum.

3. Challenge each other to a Wii tournament.

4. Take a picnic to a park or scenic spot.

5. Watch a sunset at a lake or beach.

6.  Watch home movies together.

7. Make a dessert together.

8. Rent a movie and enjoy it with take out from your favorite local restaurant.

9. Go to a coffee shop with a book or game.

10. Go swimming sans kids.

11. Take a walk in the city.

12. Go out for frozen yogurt or ice cream.

13. Exercise together – go for a jog, play your favorite sport together, bike ride, etc.

14. Rent a canoe or kayak for an hour.

15. Hang out at a local bookstore.

16. Go thrift store shopping.

17. Watch airplanes take off or land.

18. Rent a bicycle built for two.

19. Get out old pictures of your life together and chat about your favorite memories.

20. Challenge each other in a game of Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Sorry, or other board game favorite.

21. Take in a local sporting event.

22. Get together with another couple for a simple meal or dessert.

23. Go camping just the two of you. (On our list for this summer)

24.  Go for a long drive out in the country.

25. Sit on a dock and watch the boats.

26. Hit a bucket of balls at the driving range.

27. Find a list of questions to ask one another as conversation starters.

28. Make a fire in a fire pit and roast s’mores.

29. Test drive a car just for fun. (Another one on the list)

30.  Do a progressive dinner – appetizer at one place, main course at another, and dessert at a final location

What are YOUR favorite cheap date ideas? 


18 thoughts on "30 Cheap Date Ideas for Married Couples"

  1. Sarah says:

    Love the list! We love going to a local restaurant that has live music during the weekends! We also love fishing!

    1. Sounds fun and relaxing!

  2. Stacey says:

    Love these ideas! Always look for fun date ideas 🙂

  3. Rochelle Ward says:

    We like to scope out Deal Chicken or Groupon for places we wouldn’t normally eat or for activities. For our next date we got on Deal Chicken: paid $11 ($22 value) for a round of mini golf and 13 tokens (15 balls per token) for the batting cages. Then we used our rewards that come with our debit card and got a gift card for TGI Fridays ($50 value). Believe it or not it was my month to plan date night.. my hubby will be very happy.. especially with the batting cages!

  4. Carrie says:

    Some great ideas…we were already planning to make a dessert together tonight. And my husband had suggested exercising together. 🙂

  5. Crystal says:

    Nick and I have an awesome projector that we take outside and use on the side of the house. We pop in a movie, invite some friends, cuddle up on a blanket and have a starlit date night!

  6. Debilee says:

    I loved reading this list. There are a lot on here my husband currently do, but there were a lot of great new ideas too! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Marcy Lytle says:

    we love to try all “new” things – like a new coffee shop, window shop at a new store, drive through a new neighborhood, visit a new park, etc.

    love your tips!

  8. Jennifer says:

    I love this list. I also go on Groupon they gave a bunch of nice things and date night events to cheap.

  9. Angie says:

    Great ideas..now if I can pry him out of the recliner..lol.

  10. Bhola says:

    I love a few of the Date Ideas.Will try them. Thanks.

  11. Diane says:

    Fantastic ideas thank you!

  12. David Snyder says:

    Great ideas

  13. bob bosselman says:

    we like to golf together on the weekends

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