Teaching Gratitude at Christmas Through Hand-Written Cards

teaching gratitude at christmas hallmark


We’re doing our best at making this year a simple Christmas season. Less fuss. Less stress. Less stuff.

More of focusing on what MATTERS in the Season.

I don’t want to leave thankfulness back in November. I’d love for it to be heavily sprinkled onto the things we do during this month of December. Wouldn’t that be counter-cultural?  Creating a season of gratitude, when everything around us is screaming “BUY ME! YOU CAN’T BE HAPPY WITHOUT ME! YOU NEED ME!”


The boys and I spent a few minutes today writing handwritten cards to a few friends to show a little extra appreciation and love this Christmas. We sent a couple to friends who have lost loved ones, and might find this season particularly difficult.  We sent one to our helper, Katie, who came over during her Thanksgiving break, and we sent one to a long distance friend.


I remember getting so many notes of encouragement seven years ago when I was on bed rest with my quad pregnancy, and it honestly got me through some of the roughest days. A dear friend committed to sending me a handwritten card every single day that I was hospitalized.  I still tear up thinking about how much it meant to know she was thinking and praying for me during that uncertain time. I kept every single card I received during those difficult weeks, and go through them usually around the boys’ birthday. What a treasure they are to me, and will be to the boys’ as well!


Sending gratitude in the mail is something I want my boys to do more often to bless others. Words are a powerful, yet simple gift that can be sent miles away or next door. 

Gratitude doesn’t just magically appear when we want it to, it’s something we have to practice. It’s something we have to live. It’s an example we have to set.


And what better way to set the example by sitting down and jotting down a personal message to someone you love and appreciate this Christmas?  As much as I love picture perfect-photo cards that flood my mailbox, nothing compares to a hand-written note from a friend. It stands apart now more than ever. It costs very little, but can be treasured for years to come. It shifts the focus off of us and our wants, and allows us to be grateful for something we already have, which is much more valuable than any gift on our wishlist. Simple, yet meaningful – that fits our Christmas agenda.



How about YOU, do you treasure a hand-written card or note in the mail?  Do you take time to send them out regularly?  What are some simple ways you are teaching your kids gratitude this season? 


This post is part of a series that I’m partnering with Hallmark for during this month of December. I’m honored and grateful to be part of their “Life is a Special Occasion” campaign, and I’m also happy to pass along this special coupon offer for $5 off $10 at Hallmark Gold Crown Stores. Enjoy!



6 thoughts on "Teaching Gratitude at Christmas Through Hand-Written Cards"

  1. Crystal says:

    I love sending out hand-written notes and cards all year long. This year, however, I’m not sure I’ll send out anything for Christmas, which makes me sad. 🙁 You should see our house…and Nick goes back to work tomorrow. We don’t even have a single room unpacked.

  2. Sami Cone says:

    Love this series Jen!

  3. Summer Davis says:

    This is such a great thing to teach your children. I do it with mine too!

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