Finding Beauty In the Brokenness: Something Tangible {Giveaway}

One thing I really struggled with in the hard days of grieving over our loss, was that I had nothing tangible to remember this precious life with…yes, its days were much shorter than we desired, but they still COUNTED. There was LIFE that lived, and it shouldn’t be forgotten.

I had kept myself from the baby aisles during the first trimester, even though I was so anxious to start hunting for deals. {We had gotten rid of everything – and I mean EVERYTHING that even slightly represented “baby” in our home either through handing things down to other multiples moms and friends, or via garage sales. Who has room for 4x the baby stash? And we thought the door was closed on having any other children.} Now I regretted not having something. Just something that I had especially for this baby – an outfit, a stuffed animal, a blanket…something that said “we couldn’t wait to meet you, and loved you from the beginning”.  Brad had this desire on his heart too, but we just didn’t want to settle for a trinket.

The thought of returning to the baby aisle to pick something out now isn’t really something I’ve entertained, or been physically up to…but when I it became heavy upon my heart to write these “Finding Beauty in the Brokenness” posts, I came across my sweet friend Lisa Leonard’s necklace.

There it was…


Simple. Perfect. Unspoken. Beautiful.

I showed it to Brad, not knowing if he would feel the same, and as tears welled in his eyes and began overflowing, I knew this wasn’t just a piece of jewelry.

I texted with Lisa and in her kindness shipped one out right away.

I went to the mailbox, seeing her sweet logo, and held my breath as I opened the envelope. It was mine – a treasure to wear on my heart with a “5” to remind me of this life that once lived inside of me.


A promise of a heart that will be made whole again…never quite the same, but restored.

I tenderly held it in my hands and sat on the curb as hot tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Beauty in the Brokenness…A heart that is painfully broken, but will be mended with God’s tender stitching. 

So MANY of you have shared your stories with me – your own heartbreaks and brokenness over a loss of a life. I’ve shed tears and prayed for you, and I wanted to give you something tangible too…so Lisa generously is providing one of these necklaces to giveaway to one of you. Our grief may be different in size or appearance, but I’m learning more and more that grief is a shared commonality. 

I’m honored to have this opportunity, so if you would like this “Beauty in Brokenness” necklace to represent the life lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, or death, please leave a comment, and I will draw a winner on Friday. (April 11th)

{If you know someone who you think this necklace may speak to, please share this post with them.}


Other Posts in This Series:



49 thoughts on "Finding Beauty In the Brokenness: Something Tangible {Giveaway}"

  1. I think I would actually give this to my mil. She has 11 children, and her oldest daughter died in a car accident November a year and a half ago. April 11 is my mil’s birthday. April 9 is the birthday of the sister we lost.

  2. Amy says:

    So beautiful, Jen! I love the 5 that was added. Praying that necklace brings you some comfort.

  3. I love this! I had a miscarriage on Feb. 19, 2008….won’t ever forget that day. While we had 2 more children after that time….I won’t ever forget that sweet baby that I was so excited to meet!

  4. amy c says:

    you are right, that is so perfect. i’ve wanted to do something to acknowledge our first child.

  5. Becky Lehman says:

    That would be a special gift. We lost ours four months ago. Something I will never forget! Thank you so much for your encouragement!

  6. Denise Sloan says:

    To remember my sweet baby girl.

  7. natalie says:

    I have a sweet, young blogger friend who has experienced two miscarriages in quick succession since she and her husband began trying to conceive. She’s in surgery for a D&C today. She’s bringing miscarriage to light on her blog instead of pushing it behind the curtain. I’d love to give this to her!

  8. Ashley says:

    That’s so perfect! I will definitely be looking at her site. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Jess Bosman says:

    I would gift this to my sweet friend, Karri, who has multiple babies waiting for her in heaven. This is so perfect.

  10. brittany says:

    LOVE this. It’s beautiful and perfect. Reading about your tears made me cry too. I’m sorry you had to join this awful club but God has given you a platform to speak to many already and this is an area so quietly spoken about. He is giving you a chance to speak to more people than I can. I’m glad you’re using this for His good and ministering to others through it.

  11. Leah says:

    I like how simple it is. Clean and still speaks volumes.

  12. Angela says:

    I love the sentiment that any heartbreak we have, God will mend.

    1. Linda Renner says:

      How special. Our daughter lost her 1st child 4 years ago. We planted a tree on her due date, but I love the necklace sentiment…close to her momma’s heart. Bless you Jen and Brad. You are an inspiration to so many hurting families.

  13. Anne Schrader says:

    I love this necklace. To me, the mended heart represents more than just carrying on after my two miscarriages. My mom has been gone nearly 30 years and still I find daily that I have to find ways to carry on without her. Lost friendships, damaged relationships, daily struggles, dark times in life… so many ways the heart has been broken but still keeps beating and loving. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Jordan says:

    I’ve never had a child or been pregnant – I’m not married either. But I work in the pro-life movement, so I’m faced with broken hearts regularly. It’s easy to focus only on the immense tragedy of the babies lost through abortion and forget their mothers, siblings, fathers and others left behind – all with broken hearts. When I saw this necklace, it reminded me of them.

    On Friday, a group of us will be standing for life at a Planned Parenthood. I would appreciate your prayers…

  15. that is beautiful! what a beautiful way to remember your baby! i felt the same way, since we lost our 2 pg before having even an ultrasound pic. broke my heart that we didn’t have anything to remember them by. i visited a few grief sites and one said to find a stuffed animal to represent them and we just happened to have 2 identical white bears given to us, so we gave them our babies names and now have “Eden and Zion” bears. Sometimes my daughter (who is DESPERATE for a sibling) often takes them on her pretend camping trips, has them for tea parties, and anything else she plays. I know it helped me in my grief (they are about the size of a newborn also), and i know it was a HUGE help in our daughter’s grief too. one day i hope to get a jewelry piece like this to remember our babies.

  16. Allyson says:

    I love this! I’ve just been through two early miscarriages, two months in a row (plus a third m/c a couple of years ago).

  17. Wendy says:

    I have several pieces of jewelry to remember my Matthew, and wear one or more of them everyday. I love Lisa’s jewelry and the simple way she can express such emotions.

  18. Siob says:

    How generous of yall to have something soo very special for a give-away. I would love this for my sister.

  19. Krisy says:

    I have a friend that had stillbirth, a little girl named Sara, I would love to win this for her! Its absolutely stunning and speaks volumes!

  20. Kelsey says:

    I lost my third born six months ago. My sweet Lucy was born with congenital heart disease, and never was able to come home. We were blessed to be with her for 3 weeks. The heart break from losing a child it unrepairable, and life changing.

  21. Margaret says:

    We just lost a baby in January- this seems like a lovely little remembrance. I really like the number, too.

  22. Oh I love this necklace!

    Last year we miscarried and then we lost a baby at 28 weeks due to trisomy 18.

    We always look for tangible ways to remember losing our son at 28 weeks. And this necklace is simply beautiful!! Love it!

  23. Kathy Murray says:

    This little five I will always love in my heart because she was one of us. I don’t know why but in those weeks after Christmas Five always became a she to me. I guess it is ok?

  24. Diane Carson says:

    This would be a beautiful reminder of my 2 babies that never lived on earth.

  25. Rachel Mitchell says:

    this is perfect! I’ve been feeling very “broken” lately…I just experienced my 4th miscarriage last month. I had 3 miscarriages before giving birth to my daughter 2 years ago. I really want my daughter to have a sibling & unfortunately it might not happen & that just breaks my heart. I’m going to be 36 this year & I feel like that window of opportunity might be closing for me to have another child 🙁

  26. Stacia Johnson says:

    I’ve been reading your blog since the boys were babies and I was heartbroken for you when I read about your miscarriage. I miscarried in Dec. I was about 10 weeks. We have three other children so I try to remind myself how blessed we are but the aching for the baby that was lost remains.

  27. Crystal says:

    I have had so many friends lose babies, and I would love to win this for one of them.

  28. When we had our miscarriage, we already had the crib bedding – a quilt to hang on the wall, the sheets, the bumper (before we knew not to use the bumper, but I digress). My husband had been so excited about the baby that he went out and bought the baby bedding as a surprise to me not long after we found out we were pregnant. It was a painful treasure to me after the miscarriage. And it was a humble honor to hang that quilt over the crib when my daughter was born the next year.

  29. Rebecca Dates says:

    I have to say that I absolutely love this necklace. April 23 will mark six years since I was told there was no longer a heartbeat for my third child. I have since had two more children and that day will forever be remembered. The baby has been on my mind a lot as the date is coming up and this past Christmas my husband gave me a mother’s ring as a gift. He of course only included our living children in the ring, but it almost feels as someone is missing. The necklace can signify so many different things and that is part of the beauty in it.

  30. ohAmanda says:

    Oh, Jen. How beautiful. And perfect.



  31. Anne says:

    This would actually be for a little girl down the street who just lost her mother to cancer on April 7.

  32. Jenn Brothers-Haler says:

    This necklace would actually be for a family friend that lost her sweet baby girl when she was only about 6 weeks old. A complete surprise to Missy and Shawn, Maleigha was born 3 days prior to Missy’s youngest brother passing away. They were told she would not survive delivery, but she did, even though there were several long-term issues that she’d have to endure. She had several surgeries in her short life, as well as being born blind & deaf. They were then told “within hours”, “within days” and “anytime now.” She hung on for 6 weeks prior to passing away.

    Much love to you, Brad and the boys.


  33. Sarah K says:

    What a sweet idea. I actually have a special LIsa Leonard necklace that has a set of baby feed for each of my girls, and a small pearl to represent our first pregnancy–a baby I still love but never met.

    I found writing to help…here is a post from that experience:

    On the off chance my number were drawn, I’d have you draw again as I don’t need another sweet piece from Lisa, just wanted to share how her beautiful work has a special place around my neck for my little sweetie as well.

    Hugs, Jen!

  34. jenn says:

    I would give this to a neighbor who lost her daughter on New Year’s Eve in 2012/2013. I cannot imagine losing a child ever…much less a daughter on the cusp of becoming an adult. Life is sweet…sometimes short…but always beauty in the brokeness because Christ is the only HOPE.

  35. Cindy says:

    The loss of a baby absolutely heartbreaking. We have six babies that went straight to the arms of Jesus. They are never forgotten. I would love this necklace as a reminder of our precious babies whom we never got to meet.

  36. Stephani Giles says:

    Myself, my sister and my sis-in-law have all had miscarriages. I would give this to my sis-in-law, as they are still yet to be blessed with a healthy newborn.

  37. Bertie DeWane says:

    I would give this necklace to a sweet friend who has two babies waiting in heaven for her. Thanks for sharing this.

    Bertie DeWane

  38. Jennifer McDougal says:


    I am so sorry for your loss. We lost one of our precious mo-mo girls in January, 2003, just 7 weeks after her birth. In early 2004, we were nervous but decided to try again. We miscarried that sweet baby. We have been very blessed to have two children since then. We will never forget Mallory or our sweet baby we never got to meet.

    Sending you hugs!


  39. Erin S. says:

    I love this necklace! I’d be proud to wear it to honor my Peyton.

  40. teresa says:

    I would give this to our granddaughter. She and her husband lost their twin babies to miscarriage earlier this year. Praying for all of these dear Mommies you’ve had to say good-bye to their precious children, hopes and dreams.

  41. Mel Y says:

    I love me some Lisa Leonard. I would love to win for one of my dearest friend’s who lost a baby to miscarriage 4 years ago and whose mom passed away a year ago April 9.

  42. Val says:

    i love this so much … we’ve suffered 3 miscarriages … been praying for you during these days.

  43. Rachel Hayden says:

    I love love this necklace! I too long for something tangible even today, 4 1/2 years after my miscarriage. Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound to check and see if I have any follicles this month 🙂 God is good all time! Thank you for your servant’s heart to us all who ready your posts 🙂

  44. Hannah C says:

    A friend lost her baby boy in Feb at just about 5 weeks old, so I would give it to her. I love that the jewelry is a wonderful way to recognize the memory of someone precious.

  45. Lilly says:

    Beautiful and so meaningful

  46. Mike V. says:

    My cousin, Kim, lost her 28 year old, daughter, Ashley, March 31st while she was sleeping. She was 20 weeks pregnant with her first baby. Ashley and her husband Matt had tried for years to get pregnant and were overjoyed when they learned that they were going to become parents in December of 2013. Ashley died suddenly, gasping for her last breath. Matt heard the odd sound while he slept and quickly awoke to find Ashley unresponsive. He quickly tried to revive Ashley and did so until the paramedics arrived. The baby, a daughter they named Kaelyn was delivered and survived a sweet 23 minutes. The father, Ashley’s mother (Kim) and father (Tim) were able to hold their baby/grandbaby for those precious 23 minutes. The baby was perfect! The funeral was just yesterday, April 9th. It was the most painful thing I have ever witnessed. I wanted to wrap my arms around them and take it from them.
    Ashley was in her casket holding her precious baby, who was wrapped in a blanket with a beanie on her tiny head. I will forever remember the cry of her mother. It was a heart break beyond words I could ever describe. A parents worst nightmare.

  47. Denise Wilson says:

    After having experienced miscarriage, words cannot express how you can love someone so much just after 10 weeks in the womb… And the pain that follows is very difficult! I miss my baby and wonder what he/she would have been. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful piece of remembrance!

  48. melissa says:

    Going thru a very bad divorce,, this is just what my healing heart needs. I have had a horrible year & need all the inspiration I can get

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