5 Things I Love More Than Valentine’s Day

Confession:  I’m a softie for Valentine’s Day. It probably started with the red and pink dotted tights I wore when I was four.  I’m a sucker for romance. However, it looks much different in this season of life than engagement/early marriage. Less dress up and go out and more double the recipe heart-shaped pancakes.  😉  Commercial holiday or not, it’s always good to feel loved and appreciated by those closest to you – I mean really, who’s going to deny that? No roses or diamonds required here, just a little pat on the back and a warm embrace will suffice.

This year I stayed off Pinterest and maneuvered my way through the crowded Walmart Valentine aisle.  It was less than a warm and fuzzy experience to say the least.  But you know what? 60+ Valentine’s completed in less than an hour is winning for all!

So what are some “non-traditional” Valentine’s I LOVE for any day of the year? Thanks for asking. How did you know I was about to tell you? 


1. Tulips.

Tulips make me smile for days. I love that they are one of the first flowers of spring and the vibrant contrast they are to the drab of late winter.


2. My Kindle.

I drowned my first one, but I love my new one even more. I love that I can have multiple books with me and the ease of being able to instantly have them in my hands. I’m a happier girl when I’m finding time to read. (Kindles are on sale right now starting at $59!)


3. Snail Mail.

I love getting snail mail. I’m trying to get better at sending it too. My mom and my aunt Rosie are beautiful examples of this and have encouraged so many by popping things in the mail. I just ordered these postcards today, because postcards are cheap, easy, a fun way to say “You’re Awesome”. There’s something so beautiful about handwritten words.


4. Essential Oils for Him and Her. 

Shutran. {#MakeYourManFierce.}

Progessence Plus. {#HelloFeelLikeMyselfAgain}

I’d love to chat more about these, especially how Progessence Plus has helped me immensely.  I even went to a session over the weekend led by the doctor who helped formulate it. If you’d be more comfortable, just email me at 4tunate.net @ gmail 

Of course I LOVE all the oils in the Everyday Oils as well.


5. My MacBook Air.

I never thought I would drink the MacBook Koolaid, but at the end of the year, I took the tax write off for the biz and made the jump.  And like the rest of them, I’ll never go back.  It works soooooo much better and faster than my previous Chromebook, it’s light-weight, and the transition wasn’t terrible at all.

How about YOU? Just for fun, tell me 5 Things YOU Love More Than Valentine’s Day in the comment section. 

Give this post a read before V-Day “What Your Husband REALLY Wants for Valentines’ Day” too! 



Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a tiny affiliate commission – so THANK YOU. Know that I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to your lives, because I genuinely care about you!

2 thoughts on "5 Things I Love More Than Valentine’s Day"

  1. If I ever actually start selling some oils … I am buying a Macbook. I’ve had a Chromebook (OK, two!) over the last year and a half and am getting tired of all the things breaking.

  2. Crystal says:

    Hmm…I love my hot water bottle, homemade walnut roca, Stitch Fix, Reece’s Rainbow and my Compassion kids!

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