Essential Oils for Sports Families

We are officially a 2 sport family this spring. For the first time the boys are divided – Brooks is playing soccer and LOVING it, and the other 3 are playing baseball again. Sure, it would have been more practical for them all to do the same thing, but we’ve never wanted to push them into doing a sport just because their brothers are or making them all play when it’s not something they love.

We love supporting them with their own gifts and interests. And although I loved seeing them all in one uniform last spring, I love watching them on the sideline cheering each other on as brothers.  Nobody has better brothers rooting for them than these dudes. 

Of course I have a to-go bag of our favorite essential oils with us on the sideline too. It’s our first aid kit + more for all sorts of things that might come up. Better to be prepared as a soccer and baseball mom, right? So along with the snacks, water, and all the equipment we have some  of these favorites with us as well!

Essential Oils for Kids + Sports (1)

Lavender* – This is nicknamed the “Swiss Army Knife” of essential oils for a reason. It’s GREAT for all sorts of sports-related mishaps. When the boys were learning to ride their bikes this was our BFF and they requested it every time they had a crash.

{We also like using Lavender* with Lemon* and Peppermint* for seasonal discomforts that so many of us are battling right now. It’s a powerful trio to keep our noses and throats happy.} 

Peppermint* – This is a must have for keeping cool on the sidelines, which we’ll use more as the temps warm up. There was also an interesting study recently on (The National Library of Medicine’s website) on the instant effects of peppermint and exercise performance. It’s great post-workout too!

Purification* – This one is a great natural bug repellant. We used it camping last year, and I plan on having it with us on the fields as well. In fact, I’ll probably make this super easy Natural Bug Repellant recipe and have it in a spray bottle for easy use!

Melaleuca* – Does the thought of shared baseball helmets gross anyone else out? I think it’s because I fear those crawly head bugs more than you can imagine. Thankful to have a natural repellant Just.In.Case.  And you better believe I gave a good wipe down to the helmet we found at Goodwill.

Stress Away* – just in case it gets a little too intense. 😉 Actually, this is one of my absolute FAV scents. I love wearing it as perfume and so does Brad. As cologne that is.

Fitness – This is a new blend from the new Young Living partnership with Oola from the Infused7 Kit I got last week in my Essential Rewards order. It has been specially formulated to uplift, energize, inspire fitness goals – and has a great motivating scent. I used it before and after my workout on Saturday and look forward to using it often.

{The Infused 7 Set includes 6 other blends: Fun, Family, Field, Faith, Finance, and Friends; so I’ll probably bring a few of those along too!}

DiGize – Finally, I don’t leave home without this one EVER. Actually I have, but have learned my lesson. With 6 tummies in our family, there’s bound to be a grumbly one from time to time and this has come to our rescue more than a handful of times over the past year!

* Denotes an oil that comes in the Premium Starter Kit


Curious to learn more about essential oils and the Premium Starter Kit? You can find out All You Need To Know About Getting Started and the awesome freebies I’m offering this month over on this post.

PSK Graphic Feb 15


I’m throwing in ONE MORE BONUS for the rest of April for my awesome readers here at When you sign up for a Premium Starter Kit, I’m throwing in a Bottle of Thieves Spray too!  This is a great one for on-the-go and travel!  Wonderful for cleaning surfaces (think porta-potty) and using in pinches for cleaning hands.



>>>> Who’s up to bat for this awesome deal? Just send me an email at {at} gmail with the Subject Line “THIEVES SPRAY” to let me know you’re new on the roster! 

How about YOU? Are your kids playing any spring sports? What do you make sure you don’t leave home without? 

4 thoughts on "Essential Oils for Sports Families"

  1. chrisgharmon says:

    So when you take these with you and need to apply are you applying these neat or do you already have them mixed with a carrier oil? I’m sure it could vary depending on which oil & the need, but I’d love to be able to see how real life people are using these in everyday moments and how I can apply to my own life too… (I hope that makes sense.)

    1. Jen says:

      Chris, I apply most of them neat and bring a carrier oil with me. I also make up a seasonal mix of LLP in a roller bottle so that it’s more convenient. Thanks for asking!

  2. Crystal says:

    Maybe it’s because I grew up in the country with all brothers, but no, shared baseball helmets don’t freak me out in the slightest. I DO draw the line, however, at shared cups or jock straps! 😉

  3. Amy says:

    just now learning more about essential oils & using for sports. I want to use more natural remedies for my boys-thx for great tips!

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