Why You Should Runaway With Your Husband


Hello, Lovlies. How’s your summer shaping up?  Are you getting some time in to soak it up and kick back a little? I sure hope so!

I absolutely LOVE summer. It’s my favorite season by far. I love the warmth, having the boys home, all the fun get-togethers, being outdoors, and pretty much everything single dag-gone-thing about it. Perhaps it’s because when you survive Indiana winters summer is all the more glorious.

Another thing I adore about summer? My in-laws take the boys for 4 nights.  I owe them forever. Not only is it a break for us from the parenting duties, it’s time that Brad and I can spend together without the constant distractions. Adorable and sweet as they may be, it’s an intense life and sometimes that starts to take a toll on our relationship.

Most summers we’ve just worked and had evenings together, but this summer we were intentional about taking some time AWAY. We needed the time to unwind, have some QUIET, and to just have fun!

We didn’t go far, didn’t spend much, and it was just 2 nights, but it was SPLENDID.

We hiked. We talked (uninterrupted). We had devotions on our cute little front porch in our adirondack chairs. We sat and watched the water. We ate at places that we didn’t research the Kid’s Menu and prices first. We talked about what was going well for our family and where we needed to put more work in.

It was a RETREAT.

I’ve been a huge cheerleader of dating your spouse and finding cheap ways to make that happen, but running away with them is even better. Brad and I hadn’t been away together since my birthday in 2013, and it was overdue for us. We know this isn’t the season for us that we can spend much time away from our boys. And honestly, it’s hard to leave them, even at this age, but we knew this was good for ALL of us. And they see that too.

Marriage is a life-long  investment. It’s not just a bond you don’t continue to contribute to for years at a time, or something you wait on to appreciate. The value is in what you both put into it.

Spending a night away from our kids puts a priority on our marriage and allows us to focus on what’s keeping us together. Our marriage is definitely a work in progress, but we’re in it together and we’re committed to holding it at a high level.

If you can get 24 hours ALONE with your spouse, I highly highly recommend making it happen. It takes some planning and sacrifice – and maybe even some childcare begging, but it’s so worth your efforts.  Put aside the guilt of being away for just one day, and make the commitment to your marriage.

You’ll come back refreshed, renewed, and restored.

And without regrets. 


*If you’re in the Indiana area and looking for a less than 3 hour away getaway, we fell in LOVE with this inn in New Buffalo, Michigan. Just don’t request it during our week “off” next summer because we can’t wait to go back. 







One thought on "Why You Should Runaway With Your Husband"

  1. Crystal says:

    We’re going to Greece in September for a few days. Honestly though, I would give up all the traveling we do in a HEARTBEAT if it meant we got to choose where we live.

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