Our Vacation with a Stuffed Chipmunk Named Chip
When Brad explained to the boys that we would be leaving for a few days, Clark insisted that we bring his Chip along for the adventure. It ended up being a fun way to let our boys know that they were not forgotten while we were away from them. We sent picture mail messages to their awesome sitters to show them what sorts of adventures Chip was up to each day.
Chip’s 1st Trip on an Airplane Adventure:
Chip did great on his first flight and passed through security without a hitch! He was quite disappointed that the airline served pretzels instead of nuts, however. (Thanks to our AirTran pilot who was happy to play along!)
Chip’s Adventures in Chillaxin’
Isn’t that what vacation is all about? Even a stuffed chipmunk enjoyed down time in the hotel room, checking out the ocean waves, and basking in the sunshine by the pool. (Or maybe a couple hours safely resting in the trunk of our rental car.)
Chip’s Adventures in Tasting Local Cuisine
His favorites included glorious Key Lime Pie from The Tuckaway Bagel and Waffle Cafe and World Famous Sinful Cinnamon Rolls from Heavenly Biscuit.
Chip’s Adventures in Salt Water Fishing
Dale’s Fishing stories include catching a Catfish, Grouper, Puffer fish, and of course like every good fisherman critter, the “Big One” who got away.
Chip is recovering from all of his wonderful adventures, tucked in next to his favorite sidekick, Dale Clark for the night.
Parents, feel free to re-use this idea if you’re planning a couples getaway. It worked like a charm with our fussy boys the first day and continued to keep them involved during our short getaway. You might feel a little silly carrying around a stuffed animal, but you’ll be surprised how many other parents can relate. We even met a couple of parents who had done the same for their children.
Have you ever taken along one of your child’s belongings on a trip? What did you take? If not, what do you think your child you to bring along?
Little Monkey was first purchased for my son who we had for a couple of hours, then he began his journey through the kids, each child has given it up to the next youngest without ever talking about it. The pass from second oldest to now 3 yeart old happened when she was about 8 months old. She cheerished Little Monkey, fast forward to 18 months old and I was saying my goodbyes and heading south for 2 month inpatient stay untill the twins early arrival. After a few days at a hotel where I barley cracked my suitcase I was admitted and the nurses helped me settle in somewhere durring my packing my then 18 month old had packed her Little Monkey for me, he was my compainion and only visitor untill the birth(way to far away) he travelled from isolette to isolette in the NICU and had many a picture taken! And to this day she (3 year old) points him out in all the pics.
Durring our second hospital NICU tour they swabbed Little K who at that point had yet to effectivley eliminate a certain bodily fluid, and when swabbed EXPLODED all over the incubator. Little Monkey was nearly trashed had we not saved him in time he went home to our town for a couple of major spins through the wash!
So sweet and funny. I love the photo-journal of Chip’s adventures. What a great idea!
What a great idea! Looks like all 3 of you had a great vacation.
I once stole Crab’s beloved Buckie. That thing will help any reluctant sleeper survive the night!
Oh my word Jen, this is HILARIOUS!! You guys CRACK ME UP. I love the pilot holding up Chip…CLASSIC!!
I know, right? He was such a good sport about it. The boys looooooved seeing anything about the airplane.
I’m still dying to know where you went??? Your probably keeping it a secret for a reason. I’m glad you got a couples getaway, I could really use one.
Check the links I highlighted…they should give you a clue, Kori! =)
What a fantastic idea! How fun!
Oh my goodness, that is the most adorable thing *ever*!
I want to go on vacation right now and do that (there may be other reasons I want to go on vacation too). Think Punkin will go for it? I’m not sure he’d be willing to let his “Sashi” (frog) go.