This Motherhood Gig

four brothers reading together on the couch

This Motherhood Gig?

It has its ups and downs.

It has it’s struggles, battles of wills, humbling moments, mommy guilt, shortcomings revealed, pride, and challenges galore.

But you know what? 

There are some shining moments (sometimes they are mere glimmers) that reveal that this motherhood gig is so worthwhile. The training, the teaching, the discipline, the reminding, the instructing, the exhaustion – it matters.

I’ve had a few of these incredibly rewarding moments this week – (don’t worry we’ve had our fair share of arguing, disobedience, and complaining to go with), but nonetheless, it has shown me that living out our faith in front of our children matters. 

It totally matters.

The way we pour into our children, and our attempt to lead by example? They really are watching, listening, absorbing, gleaning. 

Please, Moms, don’t sell this “Motherhood Gig” short. This isn’t your “day job” or an in-between placement. You don’t need to be ashamed of wearing your mom badge when someone asks, “So what do you do?”  

Flaunt it. Value your significance, your purpose and your calling. Even when you can’t do it all.

Embrace His mercies that are new every morning, and His grace that is sufficient.

And then strap on your boots, and fly the Motherhood flag high. We are in this together. We have an incredible purpose.

Rally, Mamas, Rally!

9 thoughts on "This Motherhood Gig"

  1. Sarah H. says:

    I’m with you! Had a sweet ime with my daughter last night, though in a common setting, made me feel like I could remember it forever. Hope she does too.

  2. Crystal says:

    I’ve come a long way in this area. When I first had Jack, I didn’t like being a mom (hadn’t really wanted to ever be a mom, in fact!) and thought he was crimping my potential. Thankfully, I’m not that way anymore! My boys have shown me they only INCREASE my potential, and I’m right where God wants me to be….which in turn has made me happier!

  3. Crystal says:

    Oh, I forgot to say: I sent you the interview questions last night. Did you receive them? Can’t wait to get going on this article! 🙂

  4. Thanks for the reminder to hold tight to those moments and keep pushing through the tough ones!!

  5. Leigh says:

    So true girl. I’ve been having some mommy guilt lately. I’m also trying to say I’m a SAHM with pride more often. Thanks for the great reminder!! Xoxo

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  8. Theresa says:

    Thanks for the encouragement! I’ve been reading books to encourage this “Motherhood Gig”. My husband and I had twins 18 months ago…such a great adventure! I enjoy your website and love the “refeshing”! Thanks for sharing your heart on raising multiples and I’ll continue to follow you on my blogroll! :~)

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