Fun for a Buck: Playing with Snow Inside


With recent below zero wind chill temps, the snow has been pretty to look out the window at, but my “Snow Angels” have been stuck inside displaying less than “angelic” behavior. Someone recommended bring the snow inside to play with last week and I thought it was a genius plan!

I bundled up and scooped up 4 containers of snow and brought them inside.  The boys played at the kitchen table for an hour making snow balls, filling up cups of snow, driving their cars and trucks through the snow, and rescuing lots of their smaller toys from snow drifts.  (I took lots of pictures but realized later that I forgot to insert my memory card – Quad Brain!)


Photo Credit: Mom Advice

You could even try this even larger scale by putting snow in the kitchen sink or even the bath tub. 

*Tip: Have towels and a sink or extra container of warm water close by to warm up chilly hands.

Again, this activity is most likely LESS than a Buck to execute, but in case you need a $1 container from the Dollar Store, I’ve got you covered!

You can read about Mom Advice’s similar experience with bringing the snow inside on The Motherload.

Need more “Fun for a Buck” ideas?  Try these:


10 thoughts on "Fun for a Buck: Playing with Snow Inside"

  1. Dawn says:

    Isn’t it just so much fun? I did that last winter with my 2 year old, and he then begged for it every time it snowed! We put on hat & gloves just for fun, then sat at the table digging through the bucket, making mini snowmen, etc. We finished with some hot chocolate! 🙂

    Oh, and one day, we made “snow cream” by adding vanilla & sugar to some snow and topping it with a little chocolate syrup 🙂

  2. Suzy says:

    Great idea! So much less work than bundling up four squirmy kids to play in the snow. 🙂

    Keep up with me, Ted, and our Fab Four at

  3. B. Bambao says:

    This post is exactly why I don’t think I’ll ever move away from Toronto! Such a great unique way to play with snow … thank you!

    I’d also like to share a FREE iPhone app that I developed for all you parents out there.. Set a timer, pick a lullaby, and then put your iPhone beside your bed/crib for peaceful sleeping! 🙂

  4. I totally did this a week or two ago when it snowed and was 0 degrees outside. I HATE being cold. Isaac LOVED this and we played for about an hour. We made snow balls, snow birthday cake for Tessa and we even colored the snow with food coloring dyed water in squirt bottles!

  5. brittany says:

    We tried this today and all 3 of my kids LOVED this! What a great idea! I told Becky Hewitt about it and she’s going to do it with her almost 2yo grandson. My kids loved that they were warm in the house yet playing in snow. It’s been a big hit. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  6. We tried this today and all 3 of my kids LOVED this! What a great idea! I told Becky Hewitt about it and she’s going to do it with her almost 2yo grandson. My kids loved that they were warm in the house yet playing in snow. It’s been a big hit. Thanks for sharing the idea.

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