Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 6}: Catch and Release An Animal

 Day 6 Catch and Release An Animal Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys.jpg

Catch A “Wild” Animal to Observe…


The best pets are the ones you only have to keep for an hour or two!  ;)  And the chase is over half of the fun! We’ve had several temporary pets – a turtle, frog, lizard, crabs, and even a baby bunny rabbit.  An up close observation enables you to learn so much more than just reading about an animal.

And of course parting is such “sweet” sorrow when you release the animal back to its natural environment!

catch and release an animal


  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Be sure to know the animals in your region for your own safety.  Never try to capture an animal you haven’t identified.

Have you ever had a temporary wild pet? 

Hope you are loving these ideas for Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys!  Can’t believe we are already a week in! In case you missed a day, here’s what we’ve covered this week…

Day 1Introducing 31 Days of Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys

Day 2 How to Go on a Geocaching Adventure

Day 3 – Make a Tornado in a Jar

Day 4 – Creek Wading

Day 5 – Nature Scavenger Hunt

Day 6 – Catch and Release an Animal


2 thoughts on "Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 6}: Catch and Release An Animal"

  1. Hello I am visiting via the Nester’s 31 days series. Your series is so inspirational. Does a scorpion count?

    I too am participating in the series. My topic is “Decor To Adore~ finding your style”. I would like to invite you to stop by anytime.

    Have a beautiful day and a wonderful fall season.

    1. QuatroMama says:

      On my way to check you out now! Sounds like a great series! So glad you found us!

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