Hudson is 1 year old!

We’re 9 months in love with Hudson Bradley. How in the world are we a few months away from a whole year with this chuck o’love? Watch out, World! This boy is ON THE MOVE and his whole world has come alive. He’s curious and into ALL THE THINGS. Every day it seems like he …
Read MoreEvery year it seems we are just winding down from Christmas when it’s time to think about the boys’ birthday. They turned 10 on February 2nd, which is a HUGE milestone! We try to make birthdays special since they all four share the day and it’s such a significant, meaningful day to us. It’s a …
Read MoreToday my parents are celebrating 60 years of their marriage vows. In 1957 they had no idea what the next 60 years would bring. Regardless, they promised in love and honor to stand upon this union. In the last year, I’ve seen my parents honor these vows in a deeper way than I’ve witnessed. Their …
Read MorePost by Brad Ok, so that title might be a little heavy-handed, and I can’t possibly help you decide what is right for your family, but I can’t tell you how much I am LOVING having a baby in the house again! We certainly didn’t “plan” on having 5 boys, but it’s come with so …
Read MoreSo in our quest to throw out toxins in our home, and replace them with natural and safe alternatives, one thing I’ve been holding out on is stain remover. “Blowouts” are still a weekly occurrence in Hudson’s life, and thus the need to treat his laundry with something that gets out bright yellow stains – …
Read MoreToday we celebrate TEN YEARS of life. Life that was unexpected. Life that was not likely to survive. Life more than we could have asked or imagined. Life that has blessed us, grown us, challenged us, and deepened our meaning of love. Parenting four at once has been no small task, but the joys …
Read MoreRunning a Village It takes a village to run a village, right? With SEVEN living under our roof, we need all hands on deck. Trust me, there’s plenty to keep me busy during the week while they are at school too, but it’s a tremendous help for them to help share the load. In 2016 …
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